Fixtures that Make an Impact in Our Daily Bathroom Experience
- On March 17, 2023
Okay. To begin with, we’ll not be talking about bathroom fixtures that are very fancy or those that you’ve never heard of.
This blog post is not about bathroom additions that you can see in Mariah Carey’s or Justin Bieber’s toilet and bath. No! In fact, what we’ll talk about today are simple bathroom fixtures that we just cannot believe an ordinary home does not have.
We thought, maybe if write about the impact of these fixtures in a person’s bathroom experience, then no single bathroom will lack any of these fixtures. Human beings these days are so fascinated with the big and new things that we skip the mundane and overlook the basics right in front of us. Don’t do this to yourself. Save your family from accidents, spare yourself from inconveniences, and hire pros to do bathroom accessories installation inside the most private room inside your house.
Toothbrush holders
Let’s start with the basics. You might think it’s nonsense to put this in the category of fixtures that would make an impact on your daily bathroom experience. But let me ask you, do you have a toothbrush holder in your bathroom or you just leave your toothbrush in any area of your bathroom where you feel like leaving it?
Photo from Amazon
With millions of germs inside your bathroom, including airborne bacteria and viruses, how can you have that peace of mind to leave your toothbrush just anywhere inside? You better install covered holders that will shield your toothbrushes from all forms of impurities.
Aside from hygienic reasons, you can admit that toothbrush holders make preparation to work a lot more convenient. No more searching for toothbrushes when you need to use them before going to work. There will be no risk of your toothbrush falling into the toilet bowl. That’s one of the worst that could happen in your daily bathing experience.
Fancy shower heads
Do you know that there are shower heads that are designed to have therapeutic effects on the skin and muscles? These shower heads have unusual but extraordinary holes that enable them to release water in a way that makes you feel relaxed. There’s also a different pressure control on these shower heads making them release less water but retaining the same effect as a normal shower head.
Shower Screens
You might think shower screens are only for hotels and high-end homes. That’s not true. It’s time to replace your old shower curtain and rod with a more sophisticated shower screen that will give you a better shower experience. With this fixture in your bathroom, water will always be contained where it should be, reducing the risk of slippage. And unlike a shower curtain, shower screens are not tripping hazards.
Grab bars
Even in public toilets or toilets in cafes and restaurants, grab bars should be installed. Aside from helping PWDs to move around your bathroom more easily, these fixtures also make it safer for you to take a bath or to just do your regular toilet visits. Having these bars to hold on to when you’re about to slip can save you from an unwanted accident.
Exhaust Fans 
It’s surprising why some bathrooms don’t have an exhaust fan on the ceiling. While everyone loves a warm shower on a lazy Saturday morning when the weather is cold, not everyone is responsible enough to have an exhaust fan in their bathroom. Let’s remember that an exhaust fan is important to maintain good airflow inside your bathroom and in eliminating unwanted odors. It also makes the bathroom less humid and less prone to mold.
Bathroom socket protectors
Finally, it’s still a wonder why there are bathrooms with sockets but without socket protectors. You can easily buy this simple accessory in any handyman store. A simple cover for your socket can keep it safe from any splash or drop of water.
All these fixtures may sound too ordinary for you. But try to take a look inside your bathroom if you’re missing any of these fixtures. If you are, you better start adding them for a toilet and bath experience that is more convenient and comfortable than ever.

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