Fixtures without which your plumbing can’t survive
- On June 29, 2017
Have you ever thought how old your home is? Often old residences in Singapore translate into character and uplifted grace; however, sometimes old means the unsustainable infrastructure of the home. Old copper wires and pipes would eventually be replaced as they often fuse corroded materials in drinking water. Similarly, the old plumbing fixtures like sinks, toilets and showerheads may consume much water than they should. The efficiency standards in Singapore are getting rigorous with each passing day, decreasing the limit of water consumption across fixtures and appliances that just make your old plumbing seem troublesome.
In reality, these old fixtures cannot last for long, in particular if the government imposes more regulations for water efficiency. To make your home complying with these regulations while saving money on utility bills and making plumbing error free, you should adopt some easy-to-install and quick efficiency fixtures.
Is your Main Supply working properly?
The water main provides water to your entire building. While many homeowners pay attention to individual fixtures, it is difficult to actually avoid wasteful water consumption if you don’t tackle the issue at its source.
In view of the significance of this fixture, a lot of plumbing manufacturers have developed custom pressure-reducing valves. Do you know what these are?
These vales can greatly decrease pounds per square inch of the water pressure, coming from the home’s main. The stricter regulations imply that you would see a less costly water bills every month, and it would also prolong the longevity of home’s pipes. With least pressure to support, these valves may rest a bit easier.
Toilets & Bathrooms are closely related to your savings!
Probably, the biggest waste of water occurs in the toilets and bathrooms. Whether there is a single or multiple spots in your home, they are used more frequently than other home’s areas and hence bring heavy demand for water supply as well as on internal pipes. HET toilers are the solution!
But What is HET?
In simple words, HET means High efficiency toilet, a toilet that eats less water with each flush.
Why we recommend to replace old fixture?
Your older models may eat as much as 8 gallons per flush!
The HET uses just a fraction of this amount. If you are worried of your older home’s grace, you don’t need to worry, as there is no compromise on that to install modern fixtures, especially HET. Just call Kiasu Plumber and we will get you all installed.
A good shower is necessary
Home means comfort and a good shower is vital to have a relaxing and energetic start. Without it, it’s difficult to feel focused. You would be glad to know that one of the most effective ways to decrease water consumption lies in using high performance showerhead. Just like HETs, the contemporary showerheads help reduce gallons of water every minute.
While your old models are criticized for their poor pressure, such upgrades can solve their problem as well as make them enable to deliver a powerful pressure as desired. Upgrade your bathrooms with a high performance showerhead because it saves money and pushes your building into future. The replacement of shower screens is also one of the highly recommended fixture upgrades.
To know more about plumbing hacks and latest technology, stay tuned to our blog.

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