Water Leaking Pipe Repair Plumber Singapore | Kiasu Plumber
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Water Leaking pipe repair ( Burst Pipe Repair )

Leaking pipe seems like a small problem and may sometimes go unnoticed or unattended. However, if a leak is ignored and not promptly taken care of, it can cause more damage to the plumbing system. Water that is always leaking will corrode your pipes. If you need a plumber Singapore, hire one that is experienced, well versed, and have the best equipment to troubleshoot plumbing system issued compared to an average plumber.

Seeking out services from a plumbing company has a number of benefits. There are certain tasks that can only be handled by them rather than yourself. Copper pipes are preferred for most homes since they last longer than other pipes and can overcome harsh conditions. However, just like any metal, they will eventually corrode and develop leaks that if not timely repaired will cause great damages to your home.

leak detection

Leak detection professionals

Fixing leaking pipes should be left for a licensed plumber to take good care of. They have water leak detector equipment that detects where the water leakage are coming from as well the right skills to use the tools. Knowing the right equipment to purchase is another key factor that is commonly overlooked by a homeowner. Too often, homeowner attempt to used their purchased part that is not necessarily effective for the jobs. A skilled plumber will pinpoint the leaking pipes, access the pipe and replace it without causing extensive damage to your home/business building material. This will save your time and money and more importantly the great amount of disruption to your home or business. After the work, detection services for SG leaks will be performed and you will worry less on future issues.

What leak detection involves


A plumber has multiple ways to detect hidden leaking pipe. This gives them a head start before bringing in advanced tools. To narrow down the search area, they have specialized in using the outward signs and clues. After detecting, they now bring in special tools like listening discs which hear water escaping from a pipe through layers of concrete. Pressure sensors are used to locate changes in temperature around a leaking pipe. A video camera is mounted on a long drain snake to get accurate images of the inside of the pipes, show the exact location of the water leaking, the extent and how appropriate to repair it.

Here are signs of a hidden water leaking in your house plumbing pipes

Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out a leaking pipe when it is hidden from sight or has a very small amount of water coming out.

The first step that you can always take to discover hidden leaking pipes is to turn off all the water sources at home and to look at the water meter if there is movement that indicates flowing water at home. This shares with you that you have a leak somewhere.

The question is, where is the SG leak in your home? Read more below to find out the top signs that tell you about a leaking pipe and some tips on how to locate where the leaking pipe is.


Increased electric and water bills

Is there a sudden surge in your water bill for the past months despite the same usage of water in your household? If yes, then there’s a chance that there’s a pipe that continuously leaks somewhere in your home plumbing system. The higher the surge in your water bill, the stronger the leak is.

Sometimes, even when the leak is strong, it’s still not easy to detect if the pipe is hidden under the floor, inside the walls or outside the house. But if there is an unusual increase in your electric and water bills, you have a reason to suspect that a plumbing pipe must have gone wrong in your water supply network.


Wet spots on the walls

As mentioned in the previous item, some pipes in a home plumbing system are hidden behind or inside the walls. In cases like this, it will be very difficult to discover a leaking pipe.

But there is one telling sign that you have a malfunctioning, leaking plumbing pipe. That is if you see some parts of the wall with a blot, a spot or a washed-out paint colour. Some leaking pipes that are hidden between the walls create a pattern on the surface of the wall that looks like discolouration or an odd color on the paint. When your walls are painted with light colors, a leaking pipe will show some dark patterns or spots.

Inspect if you have something like this on the walls of your house because wet spots on the wall usually indicate a worsened leak on the plumbing pipes.


Mold or mildew

We all know that mold and mildew form when there’s moisture in a certain area of the house. Mold and mildew love damp and moist environments that can only be created if there’s water involved.

If you’re out to inspect a leaking pipe in your old plumbing system or in the house you just purchased from someone else, look for signs of mold and mildew under the sink and under the toilet bowl. These are the areas in old homes and old plumbing systems where mold and mildew usually grow. If you just purchased a condo unit or an apartment from a previous owner, it’s best to check all the water sources in the plumbing network to see if the pipes are still in good condition.

But if mold and mildew are forming around the water source, you have to call the experts to replace those old pipes that either have leaks or are about to develop leaks.


Damaged walls or floors

As mentioned above, plumbing pipes are hidden in between the walls and under the floor. When major plumbing pipes are leaking, the first sign that reveals this fact is a damaged floor. Leaks on the pipes under the floor are also called slab leaks.

You can check if you have one by turning all the faucet and water outlets off in your home and y checking your floor for any signs of dampness or wetness. Some major leaks that have worsened create a pool of water in an area of the house. Go check your basement or the area of the floor that is hidden under the carpet or a floor covering.

Observe too if there are patterns on the wall that reveal water leakage on the pipes behind the walls. When you see wet parts of the wall or patterns showing water leaks, it’s time to call a pro for professional inspection in between the walls so they can locate where the leaks are coming.


Foul smell from drains

Part of a home plumbing system is a pipe that is connected to the sewer. The function of this pipe is to expel your home’s used dirty water into the sewers.

But if this plumbing pipe broke or has a leak, there will be no proper drainage of dirty used water from your home to the sewers and the smell from the sewers can also pass through the breakage or the leak in the pipe.


Sound of water flow when tap is off

If the leaks have escalated to a higher level, you can hear the movement of water gushing out of the pipe. This is a worsened level of leakage that requires the help of plumbing inspectors and repairmen.

If you experience any of the signs above, give us a ring to burst pipe repair the leaking pipe asap! We are specialized in pipe leak repairs and provide island-wide plumbing services. Kiasuplumber always offers the best advice for water leaking repair options. Don’t be left out.

the problem resulted from pipe leaking


Just like a  clogged sink, When there’s a clog in your pipe, count a few more months leaving it like that and it will affect your pipe in no time. Clogging is a problem in itself, but it can give birth to another plumbing issue, that is a water leak when your pipe can’t handle it anymore.


When was the last time you replaced your plumbing pipes? If you’ve just bought the house and moved in, do you have an idea how old the water pipes are in your new place? It’s a good thing that pipes last for over ten years so better check if your plumbing pipes are nearly expiring so you can take action before pipe leak repair happens.

High water pressure

Some homeowners install a plumbing gauge that increases water pressure. But if the pressure is more than what your pipes can handle, there’s a risk that you are exposing your home’s plumbing fixture to a possible breakage. It’s better to get the help of professional hdb pipe leaking plumbers Singapore so they can recommend a cap for your home water pressure.

Loosened fittings

Sometimes, the gauge, screws, and plumbing fittings can loosen up around your home water pipes. When this is the case, leaks can develop and damage to the area around the pipes will soon be affected, resulting to water pipe leaking. 


Problems brought by leaking pipes

Ballooning water bill

You can’t just wait for the leaks to get worse and become too obvious before you call for a pro to repair it. Water pipe leaking can only get worse and they will cause a dramatic increase in your utility bills.


When there is leak, there is moisture. When there is moisture, there is mold. The ugliest thing about leak is that the longer it happens, the worse its effects. It will create a moist environment under the sink or wherever the leak may be, which will attract molds damage your house.

A degrading home

Along with molds, the other effects of moisture brought by a pipe leak are rotten materials made of wood and thriving bacteria in a moist environment. These will definitely destroy the overall structure of your house. If you don’t know how to fix a leaking pipe and you don’t get help from hdb pipe leaking pros, you are compromising the integrity of your home plumbing system.

Our Experience

Most of our customers are homeowners who discovered the home SG leaks way too late than they should. A job like this requires the proper tools and methods to address the leak at its current condition. What we do is to either repair the pipe or replace it altogether. Call us when you see the first sign of leak in your pipe or better yet, get your whole plumbing system thoroughly inspected to make sure your pipes are not leaking.